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Using PDF files

Using PDF files

Options when using PDFs

  • Convert to course – Select a PDF document (or PowerPoint presentation) and import it into Coursepath as a course. This converts each page in the document into a learning step These steps can be moved at will and you can add tests, files and multimedia.
  • Files – regardless of whether the course was converted or newly created,  it is always possible to add further material.
    • The possibilities include adding files to individual steps. Also, additional learning steps or even separate pages can be used to accommodate additional files.
  • Display in the Document Viewer: PDF, PPT and Word files for users to browse through can be added to a learning step. To do this, select "Show in Document Viewer" when uploading. 

Tips on PDF preparation

A PDF template works best in online training if it is well prepared and designed in an appealing way:

  • Do not overload individual pages with content. It's better to add a second page to spread out the content.
  • Choose a portrait format if your participants mostly access the training course via mobile devices.
    Conversely, choose a landscape format if you assume that training sessions will mostly be accessed via a computer screen.
  • Supplement your PDF (and the training) in Coursepath with multimedia elements such as graphics, audio files, videos and images.
  • Structure the content as clearly as possible with bullet points and subheadings.

Tip: PDF files have the major advantage that they are compatible with all devices. They also save space and, unlike open formats such as Word documents, it is not possible for their content to be accidentally moved.