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Customizing the course home page and menu items

Customizing the course home page and menu items

Course menu and settings

The course homepage includes a "Settings" dropdown menu reacahble by the 3 dots ... This button is visible on all course pages, provided the user has the appropriate role and permissions. 

Customizing your course homepage

Under “Settings” > “Course settings”, you can configure further details of of your course. 

Permissions tab

In the permissions tab of the course you can set who can view the availability of the course, who can enroll and how the enroll process will be.

Completion tab

In the completion tab you can set all the requirements for the course to be completed.

Reminders tab

In the reminders tab you could set automatic email reminders to partipants who did not start yet or did not finished the course yet.

Tools tab

In the tools tab you can set which features should be active within the course. For example if participants can talk to the course managers or if meetings and glossaries should be turned on in the course.

Appearance tab

Select an image and a banner here that will be displayed on the course widget in the academy library as well as on your course homepage. You can either upload your own images or use the integrated search for stock images.

About tab

The description that you enter here in the text field can be supplemented with additional images, among other things. It will be displayed later on the info page of your course.